Do air purifiers get rid of weed smell? This is a question that many people have when they are trying to get rid of the smell of weed.

Yes, air purifiers can help to get rid of weed smells. However, it is important to remember that air purifiers are not magic and will not completely eliminate all weed smells. Additionally, the type of air purifier you use will likely determine how effective it is at getting rid of the weed smell.

Do air purifiers work for getting rid of weed smell?

Weed smell can be a big problem for some people, especially if they live in an apartment or have roommates. No one wants to smell like weed all the time, and air purifiers can help to mitigate this problem.

There are a few different types of air purifiers on the market, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The most popular type of air purifier for getting rid of weed smell is the activated carbon air purifier.

Activated carbon air purifiers work by adsorbing smells and odors from the air. They are very effective at getting rid of weed smell, but they can be pricey. The other downside is that they need to be replaced often, which can be a hassle.

HEPA air purifiers work by trapping particles in the air, which prevents them from being recirculated back into the room. HEPA air purifiers are not as effective at getting rid of weed smell as activated carbon air purifiers, but they are much more affordable. The downside is that they can be loud, so they may not be the best option if you have roommates or live in an apartment.

The last type of air purifier is an ozone generator. Ozone generators work by creating ozone, which is a highly reactive gas. When ozone comes into contact with organic materials, it breaks them down, which can help remove weed smell.

Ozone generators are very effective at getting rid of weed smell, but they can be dangerous if not used properly. If you’re going to use an ozone generator, make sure to follow the directions carefully and never use it in an enclosed space.

If you’re not sure which type of air purifier is right for you, it’s a good idea to talk to an expert. Many home improvement stores sell air purifiers, and they can help you choose the right one for your needs.

The Pros and Cons of using an air purifier to get rid of weed smell

If you’re in the latter group, you may consider using an air purifier to eliminate the weed smell in your home. But is this really the best solution? Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of using an air purifier to get rid of weed smell.


  1. Air purifiers are very effective at getting rid of weed smell.
  2. Air purifiers can also help remove other smells from your home, such as smoke from cigarettes or cooking.
  3. Air purifiers can improve the air quality in your home, which is beneficial for your health.
  4. Air purifiers are relatively inexpensive and easy to use.


  1. Air purifiers may not be able to completely eliminate the weed smell from your home.
  2. Air purifiers can be noisy, which may be bothersome for some people.
  3. Air purifiers may not be able to remove all types of smells from your home.
  4. Air purifiers may be expensive to purchase and maintain.


Overall, air purifiers can be a great way to eliminate the weed smell in your home. However, there are some potential drawbacks that you should be aware.


Air purifiers can help eliminate weed smell, but they are not guaranteed to completely eliminate it. There are some factors that can affect how effective an air purifier is, including the type of purifier, the size of the unit, and the type of weed being smoked. If you want these type of blogs visit TechMartZee.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do dehumidifiers get rid of weed smell?

While dehumidifiers can help reduce the air’s overall moisture, they will not completely eliminate the weed smell. You may need to use other methods, such as ventilation or an air purifier, to completely get rid of the weed smell.

Can you smell weed through walls?

Yes, you can smell weed through walls.

Do air purifiers work with smoke?

Yes, air purifiers can help to remove smoke from the air. However, the air purifier’s effectiveness will depend on the type of smoke and the room size.