Spatial Computer Glasses (SCG) is a revolutionary new technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with the world around us. It is the latest innovation in the world of immersive computing, where virtual objects and digital content can be projected into our physical space.

What is SCG Technology

Spatial Computer Glasses (SCG) are a cutting-edge technology that is rapidly becoming more and more popular. It is a type of computerized eyewear worn over the eyes and can be used to interact with digital media and content.

SCG technology is a type of augmented reality (AR) that combines physical and digital elements to create a realistic and immersive experience. The glasses are equipped with an array of sensors and cameras that detect the environment around the wearer. The images and data collected by the sensors can be used to create an augmented reality environment in which digital objects are overlaid in the physical world.

SCG is a wearable device that looks similar to a pair of regular glasses worn over the eyes. It is equipped with a small LCD display, camera, and powerful computing capabilities that allow it to interact with our physical environment in real time. This device also has sensors to track and understand body movements, enabling it to detect and respond to a user’s gestures.

Technology Behind SCG

The technology behind SCG is called “spatial computing.” It is a process of mapping a person’s physical environment into a 3D virtual space which is then used to create a 3D model of the user’s environment. Using this 3D model, SCG can project virtual objects, digital content, and interactive experiences into the user’s physical space.

The applications for SCG are virtually endless. One of the most exciting applications is augmented reality. Using SCG, users can experience immersive 3D experiences that appear authentic and interact with them as if they were actually in the physical world. This could include interactive games, virtual tours, educational backgrounds, and more.

SCG also has the potential to dramatically improve the way we interact with the world around us. By leveraging the power of spatial computing and augmented reality, SCG can create a more interactive and intuitive user experience. This could lead to more natural interactions between people and their environment, making it easier for us to understand and interact with the world around us.

The possibilities for Spatial Computer Glasses are inspiring, and we are still just beginning to explore the potential of this revolutionary technology. With more and more applications and use cases being developed daily, SCG is sure to revolutionize how we interact with the world around us.

Who Is Jeff Brown and his role in SCG

Jeff Brown is an award-winning entrepreneur, investor, and technology evangelist who has worked in the tech industry for over 20 years. He is currently the CEO of Spatial Computer, an innovative company focused on creating technology that combines the power of virtual and augmented reality.

Most recently, Brown has been at the forefront of virtual and augmented reality technology and believes in its potential to revolutionize how people interact with the world and their environment. He has spoken about the power of this technology at various conferences and recently spoke about the potential of Spatial Computer Glasses (SCG) technology at the Augmented World Expo.

At the expo, Brown shared his vision for the future of SCG technology and how it will profoundly impact how we interact with the world. Specifically, he discussed how SCG glasses could enable people to experience their environment in a new, immersive way.

“The idea behind SCG glasses is to create a new way of interacting with the world,” he said. “It’s a way to get closer to the physical world, to feel it, to see it, and to explore it in a way that we’ve never been able to before.”

Using SCG technology, he believes people will be able to explore their environment in a more immersive way by being able to step into a 3D model of it virtually. This technology could also allow people to experience their environment in a more efficient way, as it could be used for navigation, for example, to help people find their way around a city.

Additionally, Brown believes that this technology could revolutionize how people interact with each other, allowing people to share virtual experiences with each other. He concluded his remarks by noting, “This type of technology will help us become more connected, more creative, and more capable of being ourselves.”

If Brown’s predictions are correct, then SCG technology could revolutionize how we interact with our environment and each other. His vision for the future of this technology is one that could potentially bridge the gap between the physical and digital worlds and create a more immersive, enriching experience for everyone.

Types of SCG Technology

There are four different types of SCG technology that you should be aware of, and each of them has its own unique advantages.

VR Headsets

Virtual Reality (VR) headsets are the latest trend in computer glasses, and they provide an immersive experience when viewing your computer. With a VR headset, you can be transported to a virtual world and interact with your computer in a more realistic way. VR headsets also have various features, such as hand-tracking, head-tracking, and even 360-degree video viewing.

AR Glasses

Augmented Reality (AR) glasses are the perfect way to bring your computer to life. With these glasses, you can view your computer in a three-dimensional world and interact with it much more naturally. AR glasses also have various features, such as voice control, gesture control, and image recognition.

Hybrid Gear

Hybrid Gear combines both VR and AR technology. You can experience the best of both worlds with this type of computer glasses. Hybrid Gear came with features such as hand-tracking, head-tracking, and gesture control, as well as 3D virtual reality and augmented reality.

Smart Glasses

Smart glasses are the newest type of computer glasses and come with various features. With these glasses, you can view your computer in multiple ways, such as 3D virtual reality, augmented reality, and even holographic displays. Smart glasses also have features like voice, gesture, and image recognition.

Elements of SCG Technology

By combining SCG technology elements such as tracking, sensors, light and sound, and digitized photos, SCG technology provides a comprehensive solution for anyone looking to enjoy the best of both worlds.


The first element of SCG technology is the ability to track a person’s movements and actions. These trackers are embedded in the glasses and are used to track a person’s head and eye movements. This data is then used to provide a more precise, accurate representation of the person’s vision and activities. This data can be used to create a more detailed understanding of how a person interacts with the digital world and can be used to provide better visual feedback and guidance.


The second element of SCG technology is the use of advanced sensors which measure a person’s environment. Sensors can measure things like temperature, humidity, light, sound, and other environmental factors. This data can be used to help the computer glasses adjust to the person’s environment and provide a more comfortable experience.

Light and Sound

The third element of SCG technology is the ability to use light and sound to enhance a person’s experience. By using light, sound, and vibrations, computer glasses can provide a more immersive experience, allowing a person to feel like they are actually in the environment they are seeing.

Digitized Photos

The fourth element of SCG technology is the ability to take and store digital photos. This allows a person to capture and store images of the world around them easily. This data can be used to create a more detailed understanding of the environment, allowing a person to have a better understanding of what they are seeing.

Use of Spatial Computer Glasses (SCG)

The use of Spatial Computer Glasses (SCG) is becoming increasingly popular in many different industries. With the advent of technologies such as augmented reality, virtual reality, and spatial computing, SCG’s become invaluable tool for businesses, healthcare providers, and consumers. Now here we’ll explore how SCGs can be used in different industries.


One of the most widely known applications for Spatial Computer Glasses is in the gaming industry. With the help of SCGs, gamers can experience immersive gaming experiences like never before. By providing the user with an enhanced visual perspective and interactive environment, SCGs can take gaming to a new level. With the help of SCGs, gamers can explore virtual worlds like never before, and the possibilities are truly endless.


The use of Spatial Computer Glasses is also becoming more prevalent in the healthcare industry. By using SCGs, healthcare providers can help patients understand their medical conditions and treatments more clearly. For instance, with the help of SCGs, healthcare providers can show their patients a 3D representation of their bodies and any medical issues they face. This helps patients better understand their medical conditions and how to manage them.


Another excellent application for Spatial Computer Glasses is in the workspace. By using SCGs, employees can collaborate better and work more efficiently. With the help of SCGs, team members can view 3D models and data visualizations, which can help them better understand the project and make the right decisions. Furthermore, SCGs can also help employees better understand their workspace and make the right decisions when setting up a workspace.


The use of Spatial Computer Glasses is also becoming popular in educational settings. With the help of SCGs, teachers can provide their students with an enhanced learning experience. For instance, using SCGs, teachers can provide their students with visual representations of the topics they are learning. This can help students better understand the concepts and improve learning outcomes.

Pros and Cons of SCG Technology

As with any new technology, there are certain advantages and disadvantages to SCG technology that should be considered before investing in it.

Pros of SCG Technology

Cons of SCG Technology

Investing in Spatial Computer Glasses (SCG) Technology

Investing in Spatial Computer Glasses (SCG) technology is an exciting venture, as this technology can revolutionize how we interact with our digital world. The technology allows the user to be immersed in a 3D environment, providing unprecedented interactivity with their digital environment.

Investing in SCG technology could potentially be a very lucrative venture as the potential applications are seemingly endless. Additionally, this technology is relatively inexpensive compared to other forms of technology. It is still in its infancy, meaning there is still plenty of room for improvement and development.

For those looking to get involved with SCG technology, there are several options available. Investing in existing companies developing SCG technology is one option, as well as investing in startups pioneering the technology. Additionally, those looking to get involved in more of a research capacity may consider supporting research and development programs exploring the potential of SCG technology.

Overall, investing in SCG technology is risky but has the potential to revolutionize how people interact with their environment and each other. It is essential for investors to do their due diligence before investing in SCG technology, researching the technology, the company developing it, and the potential market before investing. However, if done correctly, investing in SCG technology can be a great way to capitalize on the potential of this technology.


Spatial Computer Glasses (SCG) technology is an exciting and innovative new technology with the potential to revolutionize how we interact with the digital world. SCG is built on virtual and augmented reality principles, allowing users to interact with digital objects in 3D space. The elements of SCG technology include sensors, processors, and display technology, allowing for an immersive experience. The use of SCG technology varies depending on the application, but it has the potential to benefit a wide range of industries, from entertainment to healthcare. Although there are several pros and cons associated with SCG technology, the potential for this technology is undeniable. Investing in SCG technology could be a wise decision for those who want to get ahead in the digital world.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is spatial computing glasses?

Spatial computing glasses are augmented reality (AR) glasses that enable users to interact with and manipulate virtual objects in a 3D environment. The glasses have an integrated display, camera, microphone, and sensors for tracking the movement and location of the user. With this technology, users can have a more immersive experience when interacting with digital objects, allowing them to see, hear, and interact with them in a way that is impossible with a traditional computer monitor.

What is an SCG chip?

SCG chip stands for Secure Cryptographic Processor. It is an integrated circuit chip that stores and processes cryptographic algorithms and operations. The SCG chip helps to ensure the security of data transferred over networks, as it can encrypt and decrypt data quickly and securely.

How do I buy SCG stock?

To buy SCG stock, you must open a brokerage account with a broker that offers SCG stock. Once your account unlocks, you can place an order to buy SCG stock. Depending on your broker, you can place the order online or by speaking to a broker representative in person or over the phone. If you are buying many shares, it is best to speak with a broker representative to ensure that your order is executed correctly.

Who makes spatial computing glasses?

Several tech giants have joined the race to produce SCG. Google was one of the first to release its flagship Google Glasses in 2013. More recently, Facebook has partnered with Ray-Ban to develop the innovative Stories glasses in 2021. Apple is also set to enter the SCG market with its own offering, though the release date is yet to be announced. With so many powerful players competing in the SCG space, wearable technology’s future looks promising.